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Winter Session

The Winter Session will start January 4th. Captains - please fill out the form below to sign up your team. We will be transitioning from SportsEngine to SportNinja for team/league management. This will require some initial setup for teams, but once in place, we should be good to go for all sessions going forward.

Cost is $3225 for 12 games.



Please fill out this form so I can get your online payments setup:

Captains will be handling the division of payment amount their teams. Payment can be made:

  • Online or at the Ice Box through FinnlyConnect by credit card or ACH.
  • Via cash, check, or card at the Ice Box.
  • Mailed to the Ice Box:

    1421 S. Walnut
    South Bend, IN 46619

All checks should be made out to SBYH


If you have any questions about the above, please contact me at


Goalie list

If you want to be added, Please email Jeff Sax

Jeff Sax

Hockey Commissioner

Phone: 219-898-5705 cell 269-281-4200 work